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AI Generated Summary

We monitor customer sentiment data across online channels. We extract specific signals from this global data and provide instant insights. We constantly monitor thousands of markets, competitors, trends and opportunities to identify the next big thing for Valerian category. Our monitoring identified over 364,600 datapoints for the Valerian category. We detected a high level of opportunity for a new brand or a new product in the Valerian category. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors, whereas the demand for Valerian has risen steadily. The Valerian category has an opportunity level of 56 with 288 products.

Fast Growing Brands

ZzzQuil, Nested Naturals, NOW, Carlyle, Toniiq, MaryRuth Organics, Horbäach


ZzzQuil Pure Zzzs, Melatonin Sleep Aid Gummies with Lavender, Valerian Root and Chamomile, Natural Wildberry Vanilla Flavor, Non-Habit Forming, Drug-Free, 72 Gummies (4.5 stars, $14.92, 11,685 ratings)

Top Rated Products

ZzzQuil Pure Zzzs, Melatonin Sleep Aid Gummies with Lavender, Valerian Root and Chamomile, Natural Wildberry Vanilla Flavor, Non-Habit Forming, Drug-Free, 72 Gummies(4.5 stars, $14.92, 11,685 ratings)

Luna | #1 Sleep Aid on Amazon | Naturally Sourced Ingredients | 60 Non-Habit Forming Vegan Capsules | Herbal Supplement with Melatonin, Valerian Root, Chamomile | Sleeping Pills for Adults(3.9 stars, $18.95, 11,603 ratings)

NOW Supplements, Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis) 500 mg, Herbal Supplement, 250 Veg Capsules(4.5 stars, $13.71, 5,510 ratings)

Sundown Valerian Root 530 mg(4.4 stars, $8.69, 2,761 ratings)

Valerian Root Capsules 1200mg | 240 Pills | Highest Potency Per Capsule | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | Herb Extract Supplement | by Carlyle(4.5 stars, $14.99, 2,721 ratings)


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