Commerce.AI helps businesses across the healthcare industries to learn more about their products and services to stay ahead of the competition and keep up with the patient experience.
What if your digital team could automate and optimize the patient experience?
Secure access to data around patient behavior, needs & wants, and compliance analyses.
Define your services based on existing patient sentiments.
Build a deeper patient view and increase engagement with our digital survey application Voice Response.
Create a simple and engaging mobile-based survey, and deploy with patient attention in hand.
Arm your insights team with prioritized service offerings.
Identify trends and marketing opportunities.
Gain feedback during open enrollment.
Turn feedback into experience wins. Gauge positive and negative changes in service to prioritize your objectives.
Identify, manage, and resolve brand risk areas & escalations and develop communication strategy proactively.
Uncover fast trending opportunities. Track products and prioritize features.
Skip months of manual analysis and get right to higher order insights.
Investigate industry specific current trends and predict future trends.
Use product insights to steer company strategy.
Build advanced intelligence based on clean data specific to your industry.
Drill down into specific product issues. Identify issues early and solve problems faster.
We have answers. What is your question?
Bring consumer language to your product catalog and drive world class SEO.
Really get to know your users and influencers. Amplify their voices using AI.