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Tops & Tees

Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
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AI Generated Summary

We track millions of users and analyze their behavior across multiple channels, to extract meaningful signals relevant to the consumer goods industry. Our dashboard provides a holistic view of market trends tailored to your specific needs with actionable insights into what matters the most right now. In the Tops & Tees category we track 8,544 products and have 265,280 datapoints available. We analyzed data patterns across several markets, using various indicators, such as a change in price or number of manufacturers competing in a certain market segment. The Tops & Tees category has an opportunity level of 35 and a demand level of 3.5.

Fast Growing Brands

Premium Brands, Popular Brands, Disney, American Apparel, Lee, Rip Curl, Billabong, Angie, Fox Racing


Lee Uniforms Juniors' Stretch Pique Polo Shirt (4.3 stars, $14.99, 4,414 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Lee Uniforms Juniors' Stretch Pique Polo Shirt(4.3 stars, $14.99, 4,414 ratings)

Disney Junior Fashion Contrast Shoulder Top Minnie Pocket, Gray with Red(4.6 stars, $24.95, 2,482 ratings)

Dickies Juniors' Short-Sleeve Pique Polo Shirt(4.2 stars, $9.99, 993 ratings)

Lee Uniforms Juniors' Long-Sleeve Oxford Blouse(3.9 stars, $18.99, 974 ratings)

American Apparel Women's Cotton Spandex Sleeveless Crop Top(4.4 stars, $13.65, 883 ratings)


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