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We collect and analyze social media data to help companies make better decisions. With our e-commerce dashboard you can monitor the market, competitors and consumer trends to make informed decisions. Based on 665,000 datapoints we see that the Teakettles category has an opportunity level of 62 with 576 products. We provide global sentiment and customer generated data to the industry.

Fast Growing Brands

Mr. Coffee, Primula, CAFÉ BREW COLLECTION, susteas, AMFOCUS, POLIVIAR 7379, OXO


Mr. Coffee Carterton Stainless Steel Whistling Tea Kettle, 1.5-Quart, Mirror Polish (4.4 stars, $9.79, 20,045 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Mr. Coffee Carterton Stainless Steel Whistling Tea Kettle, 1.5-Quart, Mirror Polish(4.4 stars, $9.79, 20,045 ratings)

Bonavita 1.0L Stovetop Gooseneck Kettle, BV3825ST(4.6 stars, $28.07, 8,468 ratings)

Mr Coffee Claredale Whistling Tea Kettle, 2.2-Quart, Brushed Stainless Steel(4.5 stars, $23.49, 7,730 ratings)

Poliviar Tea Kettle, 2.7 Quart Natural Stone Finish with Wood Pattern Handle Loud Whistle Food Grade Stainless Steel Teapot, Anti-Hot Handle and Anti-Rust, Suitable for All Heat Sources (JX2018-GR20)(4.5 stars, $36.99, 7,574 ratings)

SUSTEAS Stove Top Whistling Tea Kettle-Surgical Stainless Steel Teakettle Teapot with Cool Toch Ergonomic Handle,1 Free Silicone Pinch Mitt Included,2.64 Quart(BLACK)(4.4 stars, $39.99, 7,435 ratings)


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