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Stem Casters

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AI Generated Summary

Big data is useless unless you know what to do with it. We provide you with the tools and information to act on what's happening right now in Stem Casters category. Our analysis identified over 336,840 datapoints for the Stem Casters category. We detected a high level of opportunity for a new brand or a new product in the Stem Casters category. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors, whereas the demand for Stem Casters has risen steadily. The Stem Casters category has an opportunity level of 43 with 1,216 products .

Fast Growing Brands

Houseables, Slipstick, Weber, WHARSTM, AmazonCommercial, 8T8, AAGUT


Houseables Caster Wheels, Casters, Set of 4, 3 Inch, Rubber, Heavy Duty, Threaded Stem Mount Industrial Castors, Locking Metal Swivel Wheel, Replacement For Carts, Furniture, Dolly, Workbench, Trolley (4.5 stars, $16.52, 1,967 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Slipstick CB681 2 Inch Floor Protector Rubber Caster Wheels (Set of 4) 5/16 Inch Stem or Top Plate Mounting Options - Black/Gray(4.4 stars, $13.34, 2,627 ratings)

Houseables Caster Wheels, Casters, Set of 4, 3 Inch, Rubber, Heavy Duty, Threaded Stem Mount Industrial Castors, Locking Metal Swivel Wheel, Replacement For Carts, Furniture, Dolly, Workbench, Trolley(4.5 stars, $16.52, 1,967 ratings)

Weber 6414 Caster Wheel (Includes Caster Insert)(4.6 stars, $8.99, 1,484 ratings)

8T8 Replacement Chair Caster Wheels 2'', Heavy Duty Wheels with Plug-in Stem 7/16''X7/8'',Quiet & Smooth Rolling, No Chair Mat Needed, Safe for Hardwood Carpet Tile Floors,Set of 5 (Black, 2 inch)(4.6 stars, $18.99, 1,219 ratings)

AmazonCommercial 2-Inch Furniture Protecting Swivel Caster, Black, 5-Pack(4.6 stars, $10.99, 1,170 ratings)


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