We scan millions of sources daily to identify and analyze trends in consumer behavior to help you find the most profitable markets. Our dashboard provides a holistic view of market trends tailored to your specific needs with actionable insights into what matters the most right now. In the Socks category we track 240 products and have 273,530 datapoints available. We detect a high level of opportunity for a new brand or a new product in the Socks category. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors, whereas the demand for Socks has risen steadily. The Socks category has an opportunity level of 48 with 240 products.
Our Brands, Premium Brands, Popular Brands, WEIERYA, Busy Socks, Smartwool, RANDY SUN, CS CELERSPORT, DexShell, JSPA
WEIERYA Ski Socks 2 Pairs Pack for Skiing, Snowboarding, Outdoor Sports Performance Socks (4.7 stars, $18.97, 5,818 ratings)
WEIERYA Ski Socks 2 Pairs Pack for Skiing, Snowboarding, Outdoor Sports Performance Socks(4.7 stars, $18.97, 5,818 ratings)
High Performance Wool Ski Socks – Outdoor Winter Men Women Sock Merino Snowboard(4.6 stars, $17.97, 1,682 ratings)
MUSAN Wool Ski Socks,Extra Warm Knee High Performance Snow Skiing/Snowboard Socks in Outdoor,Fit for Men and Women(4.7 stars, $9.99, 1,640 ratings)
100% Waterproof Breathable Socks, [SGS Certified] RANDY SUN Unisex Novelty Sport Skiing Trekking Hiking Socks 1 Pair(4.6 stars, $18.99, 1,556 ratings)
Acorn Unisex Versafit Fleece Sock, Warm, Breathable and Moisture Wicking, Mid-Calf Length(4.6 stars, $25.95, 1,493 ratings)
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