We provide data on the Shorts market. We track reviews, ratings and price signals to identify consumer trends and market opportunities. There were 1,099,670 datapoints for the Shorts category. The sector had an increase in sales in 2017 whereas the demand for Shorts has risen steadily and has an opportunity level of 56 with 1,080 products available for sale on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms in India.
Our Brands, Premium Brands, Popular Brands, Stretch is Comfort, Gayhay, Willit, BALEAF, ZUTY, QGGQDD, A2Y
BALEAF Women's 8" /5" High Waist Biker Shorts Yoga Workout Running Compression Exercise Shorts Side Pockets (4.3 stars, $24.99, 50,755 ratings)
BALEAF Women's 8" /5" High Waist Biker Shorts Yoga Workout Running Compression Exercise Shorts Side Pockets(4.3 stars, $24.99, 50,755 ratings)
ODODOS Women's 5"/2.5"/9" High Waist Bike Shorts with Pockets Workout Sports Athletic Running Biker Yoga Shorts(4.6 stars, $19.98, 18,861 ratings)
beroy Womens Bike Shorts with 3D Gel Padded,Cycling Women's Shorts(4.5 stars, $26.99, 11,517 ratings)
Soffe Juniors' Authentic Cheer Short(4.6 stars, $10.03, 10,513 ratings)
Leggings Depot Women's Fashion Biker Workout Shorts Popular Prints & Solid Color(4.4 stars, $12.99, 9,309 ratings)
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