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Rifle Scopes

Sports & Outdoors
Gun Scopes
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AI Generated Summary

We monitor brand reputation, consumer sentiment and product reviews to gauge market opportunities. We provide a comprehensive view of demand for products and brands in the US and global markets. The Rifle Scopes category has an opportunity level of 58. In the last year there was a decline in market demand as companies reported decreased sales however there are still 1018 products available for this sector.

Fast Growing Brands

CVLIFE, Bushnell, Pinty, Simmons, Feyachi, Vortex, UTG


CVLIFE 3-9x40 Optics R4 Reticle Crosshair Scope with 20mm Free Mounts (4.4 stars, $29.99, 5,161 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Bushnell Trophy TRS-25 Red Dot Sight Riflescope, 1x20mm, Black(4.4 stars, $69.30, 11,600 ratings)

CVLIFE 2.5-10x40e Red & Green Illuminated Scope with 20mm Mount(4.4 stars, $55.99, 7,429 ratings)

CVLIFE Hunting Rifle Scope 6-24x50 AOE Red and Green Illuminated Gun Scope with Free Mount(4.4 stars, $46.99, 5,851 ratings)

UTG 3-9X32 1" BugBuster Scope, AO, RGB Mil-dot, QD Rings , Black(4.5 stars, $94.97, 5,417 ratings)

CVLIFE 3-9x40 Optics R4 Reticle Crosshair Scope with 20mm Free Mounts(4.4 stars, $29.99, 5,161 ratings)


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