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Protective Gear
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AI Generated Summary

We provide a complete 360 view of the market. Our data shows that there is steady growth in sales for this subsector. In the current category there were at least 1,220,300 datapoints with an opportunity level of 51 for a new brand or product. The Rainwear have seen a steady increase in sales in the last few years and is projected to continue growing. We capture voice of customer data and provide it to our clients. We help companies understand the market, consumers and competitors.

Fast Growing Brands

FROGG TOGGS, ILM, VXAR, TIDEWE, Coleman, Viking Cycle, Custom Leathercraft


FROGG TOGGS Ultra-Lite2 Waterproof Breathable Protective Rain Suit (4.1 stars, $0, 10,159 ratings)

Top Rated Products

FROGG TOGGS Ultra-Lite2 Waterproof Breathable Protective Rain Suit(4.1 stars, $0, 10,159 ratings)

FROGG TOGGS Men's Ultra-Lite2 Waterproof Breathable Rain Jacket(4.4 stars, $24.45, 1,978 ratings)

VXAR Waterproof Shoe Cover Motorcycle Black3 4XL(4.1 stars, $0, 1,620 ratings)

Viking Cycle Reflective Waterproof Motorcycle Rain 2 Piece Gear Suit for Men(4.4 stars, $44.99, 1,368 ratings)

Coleman PVC/Nylon Rain Suit(4.5 stars, $32.23, 1,173 ratings)


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