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Portable Bluetooth Speakers

Portable Speakers & Audio Docks
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AI Generated Summary

We provide consumer generated data and sentiment analysis on thousands of markets globally. Our dashboard gives a 360 view of the market, competitors, trends and opportunities. The Portable Bluetooth Speakers category has an opportunity level of 73 with 4,776 products being monitored in the US segment. There are 11,321,200 datapoints for this sector in our database which shows that it is a growing market.

Fast Growing Brands

Cambridge Soundworks, JBL, Anker, MusiBady, Tribit, DOSS, AOMAIS


OontZ Angle 3 Bluetooth Portable Speaker, Louder Volume, Crystal Clear Stereo Sound, Rich Bass, 100 Foot Wireless Range, Microphone, IPX5, Bluetooth Speakers (Black) (4.6 stars, $25.99, 141,279 ratings)

Top Rated Products

OontZ Angle 3 Bluetooth Portable Speaker, Louder Volume, Crystal Clear Stereo Sound, Rich Bass, 100 Foot Wireless Range, Microphone, IPX5, Bluetooth Speakers (Black)(4.6 stars, $25.99, 141,279 ratings)

JBL FLIP 4 - Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker - Black(4.8 stars, $79.95, 79,206 ratings)

Anker Soundcore 2 Portable Bluetooth Speaker with 12W Stereo Sound, Bluetooth 5, Bassup, IPX7 Waterproof, 24-Hour Playtime, Wireless Stereo Pairing, Speaker for Home, Outdoors, Travel(4.7 stars, $39.99, 65,511 ratings)

Bluetooth Speakers, DOSS SoundBox Touch Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speakers with 12W HD Sound and Bass, IPX5 Waterproof, 20H Playtime,Touch Control, Handsfree, Speakers for Home,Outdoor,Travel-Black(4.6 stars, $27.99, 56,602 ratings)

Anker Soundcore Mini, Super-Portable Bluetooth Speaker with 15-Hour Playtime, 66-Foot Bluetooth Range, Enhanced Bass, Noise-Cancelling Microphone - Black(4.6 stars, $23.99, 56,321 ratings)


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