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AI Generated Summary

We monitor and analyze social media conversations to help companies improve their brand reputation, grow their business, and increase sales. We collect and analyze millions of online conversations on various topics every day. In the Panties category there were at least 1,104 datapoints with an opportunity level of 58 for a new product or a new brand. The Panties has shown some moderate decline in demand whereas the Panties has an opportunity level of 58 with 1094 products being monitored in US segment.

Fast Growing Brands

Our Brands, Premium Brands, Popular Brands, Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, Thinx BTWN, Calvin Klein, INNERSY, Innersy, Disney, Disney Princess, Minnie Mouse, Frozen, Peppa Pig, Hello Kitty, Shopkins, DC Comics


Girls' Cotton Hipster Underwear (4.7 stars, $7.00, 10,007 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Girls' Cotton Brief Underwear(4.7 stars, $10.98, 24,143 ratings)

Disney Girls' Baby Minnie Mouse Potty(4.7 stars, $14.93, 17,240 ratings)

Girls' 100% Cotton Tagless Brief Panties, Multipack(4.7 stars, $9.98, 15,647 ratings)

Girls' Cotton Bikini Underwear(4.7 stars, $10.99, 10,583 ratings)

Girls' 100% Cotton Tagless Hipster Panties, Multipack(4.6 stars, $9.99, 10,314 ratings)


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