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Palettes & Palette Cups

Arts, Crafts & Sewing
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AI Generated Summary

We monitor consumer traffic across multiple channels, analyze the data and interpret the findings. We extract specific signals from this global data and provide instant insights. We constantly monitor thousands of markets, competitors, trends and opportunities to identify the next big thing for Palettes & Palette Cups category. Our continuous scanning identified over 255,120 datapoints for the Palettes & Palette Cups category. We detected a high level of opportunity for a new brand or a new product in the Palettes & Palette Cups category. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors, whereas the demand for Palettes & Palette Cups has risen steadily. The value of a product, service or brand is only as good as the data that you analyze.

Fast Growing Brands

Hulameda, Masterson, Mr. Pen, U.S. Art Supply, The Army Painter, imookyo, CENTSTAR


Hulameda Paint Tray Palettes, Plastic Paint Pallets for Kids or Students to Paints on School Project or Art Class-12pcs (4.8 stars, $6.99, 9,112 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Hulameda Paint Tray Palettes, Plastic Paint Pallets for Kids or Students to Paints on School Project or Art Class-12pcs(4.8 stars, $6.99, 9,112 ratings)

Liquitex Professional Fluid Medium, 4-oz, Glazing(4.8 stars, $10.70, 5,100 ratings)

Sta-Wet Palette Keeps Paints Fresh For Days With Airtight Lid 857(4.7 stars, $11.50, 4,376 ratings)

CENTSTAR 15 Pcs Round Paint Tray Palettes Plastic for Acrylic Oil Watercolor Craft DIY Art Painting Palettes, White (15 PCS)(4.8 stars, $7.99, 3,654 ratings)

Darice White 1180 Ar Plastic 10 Oblong Palette – Perfect for Oil, Watercolor and Acrylic Paints – Wells are for Holding and Mixing Colors – for Fine Artists and Crafters-Washable(4.5 stars, $5.25, 3,169 ratings)


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