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Hose Timers

Patio, Lawn & Garden
Watering Equipment
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AI Generated Summary

We track millions of sources to extract meaningful signals relevant to the consumer goods industry and monitor billions of datapoints daily. Our dashboard provides a holistic view of market trends tailored to your specific needs with actionable insights into what matters the most right now. In the Hose Timers category we track 312 products and have 259,330 datapoints available. Market demand is growing steadily and along with it companies have reported increased sales in the last year. The value of a product, service or brand is only as good as the data that you analyze. Our dashboard provides a holistic view of market trends tailored to your specific needs with actionable insights into what matters the most right now. In the Hose Timers category we track 312 products and have 259,330 datapoints available.

Fast Growing Brands

Orbit, Orbit Irrigation Products, Raindrip, RAINPOINT, Restmo, Instapark, P3 International


Orbit 62061Z Single-Outlet Hose Watering Timer, 1, Green (4.4 stars, $29.05, 20,559 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Orbit 62061Z Single-Outlet Hose Watering Timer, 1, Green(4.4 stars, $29.05, 20,559 ratings)

Melnor 65074-AMZ XT Turbo Oscillating Sprinkler with 2-Way Adjustment and QuickConnect Product Adapter Set, Amazon Bundle & Orbit 62034 Mechanical Watering Hose Timer, Colors May Vary(4.4 stars, $0, 18,199 ratings)

Orbit 62034 Mechanical Watering Hose Timer, Colors may vary(4.4 stars, $13.99, 6,464 ratings)

Orbit 21004 B-hyve Smart Hose Faucet Timer with Wi-Fi Hub, Compatible with Alexa(4.2 stars, $68.99, 3,701 ratings)

Raindrip R675CT Analog 3-Dial Water Timer, 1, Multi & 312050 312050B Single Barbed Connectors, 1/4-Inch, 50 Per Bag, Blacks(4.3 stars, $0, 2,701 ratings)


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