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Hookahs & Accessories
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AI Generated Summary

We provide consumer insights on the Hookahs market. We monitor online channels for our clients in over 100 countries. The Hookahs sector has seen a decrease in sales in 2017 whereas the Hookahs has an opportunity level of 52 with 792 products. Our data analytics platform provides a 360 view of all consumer markets. We monitor online channels and provide structured data to the industry. Our monitoring identified 1,094,000 datapoints for the Hookahs category.

Fast Growing Brands

HYDRO, VEEBOOST, Fantasia, HT9527, SKDK, Afoosoo, WEEWORLD


GStar 11" Premium 2 Hose Hookah Complete Set - Mini Pumpkin Hookah Glass Vase - Pick Your Color (Black) (4.2 stars, $0, 6,324 ratings)

Top Rated Products

GStar 11" Premium 2 Hose Hookah Complete Set - Mini Pumpkin Hookah Glass Vase - Pick Your Color (Black)(4.2 stars, $0, 6,324 ratings)

GStar 11" Premium 1 Hose Hookah Complete Set - Mini Pumpkin Hookah Glass Vase (Black)(4.1 stars, $0, 4,529 ratings)

Hydro Herbal, Hookah Shisha Flavors, Tobacco & Nicotine Free, Tropical Variety Pack, 50-Gram (Pack of 5)(4.4 stars, $17.99, 4,430 ratings)

Hydro Herbal 250g, 5 Mix: Apple, Strawberry, Mango, Peach & Pineapple, Hookah Shisha Tobacco Free Molasses(4.3 stars, $0, 2,878 ratings)

GSTAR Deluxe Series: 17" 2 Hose Hookah Complete Set w/Travel Case (Ninja Black)(4.2 stars, $0, 2,551 ratings)


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