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Hats & Caps

Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
Baby Girls
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AI Generated Summary

We provide real-time consumer data and social media trends to the industry. Our dashboard provides a 360 view of all market opportunities. The Hats & Caps has an opportunity level of 60 with 1920 products being monitored in the US segment. Several companies reported a steady growth in revenue whereas the demand for Hats & Caps has risen steadily since 2015. The Hats & Caps category has an opportunity level of 60 with 1920 products.

Fast Growing Brands

Our Brands, Premium Brands, Popular Brands, SimpliKids, FURTALK, i play. by green sprouts, DANMY, HSYZZY, Siero, Bestjybt


i Play. Brim Sun Protection Adjustable Hat for Baby's Head, Neck, & Eyes (4.8 stars, $14.14, 16,332 ratings)

Top Rated Products

i Play. Brim Sun Protection Adjustable Hat for Baby's Head, Neck, & Eyes(4.8 stars, $14.14, 16,332 ratings)

Baby Girls' Brim Hat | All-Day UPF 50+ Sun Protection for Head, Neck, & Eyes(4.6 stars, $14.29, 8,867 ratings)

Baby Girls' 5-Pack Caps(4.5 stars, $8.99, 5,059 ratings)

Baby Cotton Cap and Scratch Mitten Set(4.6 stars, $13.14, 4,174 ratings)

UPF 50+ UV Ray Sun Protection Wide Brim Baby Sun Hat(4.8 stars, $14.99, 3,653 ratings)


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