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Electric Blade Grinders

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Coffee Grinders
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We provide data on the Electric Blade Grinders market. Our platform gives you a 360 degree view of the market. We track reviews, ratings and price signals to identify consumer trends and market opportunities. In the Electric Blade Grinders category we have 120 products with an opportunity level of 65. The Electric Blade Grinders sector had an increase in sales in 2017 whereas the Electric Blade Grinders has an opportunity level of 65 with 1,186,430 datapoints.

Fast Growing Brands

Hamilton Beach, Cuisinart, Kaffè, BLACK+DECKER, Mueller Austria, Gevi, SHARDOR


Hamilton Beach Fresh Grind Electric Coffee Grinder for Beans, Spices and More, Stainless Steel Blades, Removable Chamber, Makes up to 12 Cups, Black (4.7 stars, $19.99, 28,235 ratings)

Top Rated Products

KRUPS Silent Vortex Electric Grinder for Spice, Dry Herbs and Coffee, 12-Cups, Black(4.6 stars, $39.99, 41,565 ratings)

Hamilton Beach Fresh Grind Electric Coffee Grinder for Beans, Spices and More, Stainless Steel Blades, Removable Chamber, Makes up to 12 Cups, Black(4.7 stars, $19.99, 28,235 ratings)

Mueller Austria HyperGrind Precision Electric Spice/Coffee Grinder Mill with Large Grinding Capacity and HD Motor also for Spices, Herbs, Nuts, Grains, White(4.5 stars, $19.97, 13,170 ratings)

Kaffe Electric Coffee Grinder - Black - 3oz Capacity with Easy On/Off Button. Cleaning Brush Included. Grind Fresh Coffee Beans Every Time!(4.6 stars, $18.99, 8,941 ratings)

KitchenAid Blade Coffee Grinder - Onyx Black(4.5 stars, $29.99, 8,195 ratings)


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