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Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

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AI Generated Summary

Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are a combination of two different safety devices in one product. These devices have gained popularity over the last few years as consumers and health conscious people have started to use these products to keep track of their safety levels. We monitor 216 products in the Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors sector with 393,770 datapoints available. The market size for this sector has been growing steadily with increasing demand. Several companies reported a growth in sales volume and an increase in revenue in these sectors. We monitor 393,770 datapoints for Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors across the US segment and identified 63 opportunities for brand owners and product manufacturers.

Fast Growing Brands

Kidde, FIRST ALERT, Google, Lecoolife, X-Sense, GLBSUNION, ARIKON


First Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector, Battery Operated (4.7 stars, $31.38, 18,414 ratings)

Top Rated Products

First Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector, Battery Operated(4.7 stars, $31.38, 18,414 ratings)

Kidde 21026043 Battery-Operated (Not Hardwired) Combination Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Voice Warning KN-COSM-BA(4.7 stars, $24.99, 18,177 ratings)

Nighthawk Plug-in AC/DC Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector with Digital Display KN-Copp-3(4.7 stars, $29.50, 17,618 ratings)

FIRST ALERT BRK SC9120B Hardwired Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector with Battery Backup, 1 pack(4.7 stars, $31.71, 14,141 ratings)

First Alert CO605 Plug-in Battery Backup Carbon Monoxide Alarm and First Alert 9120B Smoke Detector Alarm | Hardwired with Backup Battery(4.7 stars, $29.66, 13,727 ratings)


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