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Arts, Crafts & Sewing
Appliques & Decorative Patches
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AI Generated Summary

We provide data on the Appliques market. Our platform gives you a 360 degree view of consumer trends, market opportunities and industry insights. We track reviews, ratings and price signals to identify consumer trends and market opportunities. The Appliques category has a high demand for products and brands. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors. The Appliques category has an opportunity level of 44 with 8,424 products being monitored in the US segment.

Fast Growing Brands

WZT, Libiline, AUGSUN, Chenkou Craft, Beacon Adhesives, SINGER, Sorrento Crafts


WZT Bundle 8 Pieces American Flag Tactical Morale Military Patch Set (4.8 stars, $10.99, 2,561 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Northern Safari Custom Uniform Name Tapes, 50 Fabrics Made in The United States. Same Day Ship.(4.7 stars, $16.99, 4,823 ratings)

WZT Bundle 8 Pieces American Flag Tactical Morale Military Patch Set(4.8 stars, $10.99, 2,561 ratings)

Libiline 50pcs Random Assorted Styles Embroidered Patch Sew On/Iron On Patch Applique Clothes Dress Plant Hat Jeans Sewing Flowers Applique DIY Accessory (Assorted-Style 5)(4.5 stars, $11.97, 2,554 ratings)

40pcs Butterfly Iron on Patches, 2 Size Embroidered Sew Applique Repair Patch(4.7 stars, $7.95, 1,336 ratings)

Custom Embroidery Name Patches ,2 Pieces Personalized Military Number Tag Customized Logo ID for Multiple Clothing Bags Vest Jackets Work Shirts(4.7 stars, $7.99, 1,003 ratings)


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